• Posted by : PokemonGoMasterx Thursday, August 18, 2016

    I've been asking some of the Pokemon Players about their extra ordinary experiences in playing Pokemon Go. And most of them were able to testify that hatching an egg can be done without leaving your house.

    Well, when you are tired and getting lazy to walk you can try these things.

    Just take note that there are some factors that it might not work for you, but it work for them. Like your phone, settings, GPS, location, and etc.

    So this is not 100% guaranteed that it will work, but better try it anyway.

    Here are the things I've collected from Pokemon Players.

    1. Putting your phone on a Turntable.
    2. Taping your phone on a Ceiling Fan.

    3. Tie your phone on a Bicycle Wheel.

    4. Put your phone in front of the Air Conditioner.

    5. Shake your phone (Upside Down).

    Probably the movement of your phone, tricks the GPS and allow your Pokemon trainer to walk far away.

    For the Air Conditioner, I just don't really know the reason. But one of my friend did it sometime and it work for him. Maybe the Pokemon trainer was getting cold and just walk away.

    I hope one of these tips will work for you. Share us your experiences so we can add them on the list.

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