• Posted by : PokemonGoMasterx Tuesday, August 9, 2016

    Here are some useful tips for you to level faster and gain more XP:
    10. Egg Hatching Advise Speed Limit

    I know you are waiting to hatch your eggs and probably get a rare Pokemon. Many of the players advises to stay at 10 MPH or slower to begin the hatch of your egg. This is important to avoid players from driving around and hatching all there eggs in a very short period of time.

    Check our hatching egg chart for 2KM, 5KM and 10KM.

    9. Capture as Many Pokémon As You Can

    I think I don't have to explain this. This is why you play the game. Just capture as many Pokemonas you can, this includes Pidgeys, Caterpies, Weedles, Drowzees, etc. Standard Pokeballs are relatively easy to come by especially when you are near the Pokestops.

    8. What is Footprints

    Just in case you didn't notice, in the "Nearby Pokemon Chart" on the bottom right of your screen, the footprints below each Pokemon indicate how close that Pokemon is to your location.

    Furthest away will display 3 footprints while 0 footprints mean that the Pokemon is right next to you. In addition, the Pokémon in the first position (top left) of the "Nearby Pokemon Chart" is actually the closest to your location.

    7. Don't Waste Stardust On Early Level

    You will gain Stardust when you capture a Pokemon and hatch Eggs, you can use this to Power Up your Pokemon.

    As per advised by experienced players of Pokemon, wait until you reach at least level 10 or much better level 20 before using it. And make sure that you use it on the right Pokemon which you plan to keep for a long run.

    6. Gain More Experience to Level Up

    The Trainer Level is very important, because the higher your level the higher the CP of the Pokemon you will get.

    Not to mention you will be able to capture Pokemon easily and be able to Power Up your Pokemon to higher CP Levels.

    5. Only Evolve High CP Pokemon

    Starters always tend to commit this mistake. As they always evolve the lower CP and retain the higher CP of the Pokemon.

    Well. it is best if a Pokemon's CP curve is almost at the end. So that the evolved form of a Pokemon will share the same type of CP curve. Essentially, this will result in less use of Stardust to maximize that evolved Pokemon's CP.

    4. Use Fast Moves & Avoid Dodging

    Especially for lower CP Pokemon battles, you will want to mainly use your Pokemon's Fast Move to defeat your opponent as quickly as possible. While Dodge can be useful at times, generally will you want to avoid using it as it can be a waste of time (in most situations).

    3. Gym Levels & Prestige

    When battling an enemy Gym you will want to use a Pokemon with slightly lower CP than that of your opponent. The more difficult the battle, the more Prestige you will gain for winning the battle. The Prestige gained between using a lower CP Pokemon vs. a higher one is very significant.

    2. Utilize the Curveball

    Spinning the Pokeball before throwing it will give you an extra XP bonus (if the Pokemon is captured). The color of the ring determines the difficulty of the capture. From easiest to most difficult the colors are Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.

    1. Fast XP Trick

    I didn't know if this when I first started, but it is now a common trick to gain XP quickly. Essentially save up as much as many Pidgeys, Caterpies and Weedles (and Candy) as you can. Next make sure you have a Lucky Egg (With doubles XP for a short period of time), which you will get as a Level Up reward after reaching Level 9.

    With the Lucky Egg activated, evolve all of your Pokémon and enjoy double XP for each Pokémon that is evolved!

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